Creative Ways to Dispose of Your Non-Driveable Junk Car in Chicago

by | Dec 1, 2023 | Automotive

When you have a car that doesn’t drive anymore, it will take up space in your driveway until you decide what to do with it. However, it can be difficult to transport your vehicle when it won’t drive. Here are three creative ways to dispose of your non-driveable Chicago junk car.

Donate to Charity

There are numerous families and charities that would happily accept your vehicle as-is. Your charity of choice may gift the vehicle to a family if it’s easily fixable. Otherwise, the charity will see the vehicle and give the profits to a family in need. Best of all, most charities will come pick up the car from where it’s currently located, so you don’t need to pay for a tow.

Sell for Parts

Even non-driveable cars still have working parts that can be sold. Tow your car to a local shop to sell the vehicle for its parts. If nothing on the car is worth salvaging, you can still sell it for the value of the scrap metal.

Learn Repairs

You still may be able to use your nonfunctional vehicle as a working vehicle while learning car repairs on your own. You can use the car to familiarize yourself with the components underneath the hood. You can also attempt repairs on the vehicle without the fear of damaging the car as you learn.

Do you have a Chicago junk car? Visit Aero Auto Parts to receive an offer for your vehicle as-is.

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